Past and Future is the seventh main installment in the Aeon's End franchise. It was designed by Sydney Engelstein, Nick Little, and Kevin Riley, published through Indie Boards and Cards, and released in February 2023. Unlike other Aeon's End sets, this is an expansion and not standalone. Past and Future can be combined with any standalone set, but expedition play rules require upgraded basic nemesis cards from any of The New Age, Outcasts, Legacy of Gravehold or The Descent.
Contents Overview[]
- Mages (10): Auren, Willow, Ona, Nadea, Kavoc, Bayli, Shoshana, Rhys, Naftir, Lilly
- Nemeses (6): Stonemonger, Infested Mutation, Erythiza, Consumed, Herald of the End, The Changeling Nest, Corruption's Core
Mage Cards
- Starter Cards:
- Gems (6): GlowstoneFile:Glowstone.jpg, Encased FossilFile:Encased Fossil.jpg, Fool's GoldFile:Fool's Gold.jpg, Splintered GarnetFile:Splintered Garnet.jpg, Amplifying CalciteFile:Amplifying Calcite.jpg, Mica ShardFile:Mica Shard.jpg
- Spells (8): Consume MagicFile:Consume Magic.jpg, Prismatic FlareFile:Prismatic Flare.jpg, Cavernous MawFile:Cavernous Maw.jpg, Harbinger DescentFile:Harbinger Descent.jpg, Seer's WrathFile:Seer's Wrath.jpg, Tethered SmiteFile:Tethered Smite.jpg, Building StormFile:Building Storm.jpg, Thistle SpearFile:Thistle Spear.jpg
- Relics (4): Tome of the AncientsFile:Tome of the Ancients.jpg, Inscrutable ArtifactFile:Inscrutable Artifact.jpg, Taluna BranchFile:Taluna Branch.jpg, Imbued PocketwatchFile:Imbued Pocketwatch.jpg
- Nemesis Cards: x nemesis-specific cards.
- Treasure Cards: x level 1 treasures, x level 2 treasures, x level 3 treasures.
- Tokens: x tokens.
- Misc: x special breaches, x mage-specific (non-starter) cards, 13 turn order cards, x randomizer cards.
Treasure Gallery[]
Level 1[]
- Inco's Carnivorous Sunflower
- Gygar's Rising Tide
- Thraxir's Shattered Quartz
- Dezmodia's Voidspark
- Yan Magda's Eternal Eye
- Xaxos's Aether Siphon
- Qu's Oblivion Relic
- Talix's Everlight
- Lost's Molten Forge
Level 2[]
- Molten Gold
- Clockwork Spindle
- Blackened Claw
- Acceleration Staff
- Current Conductor
- Volatile Reagent
- Beaded Crown
- Ancient Texts
- Embedded Light
- Garnet Dust
Level 3[]
- Rewind Pendant
- Woven Mail
- Sapphire Lens
- Dimensional Purse
- Memory Coin
- Inventor's Kit