Promos are cards released specially for kickstarter backers. Some promo cards may be gained through retail via promo packs, although stock and printing is unreliable. All promo cards have card IDs in the PXXX format, although promos do not compose one single set. Promos include both player and nemesis basic cards, and are included with each kickstarter campaign of Aeon's End.
Core Set Promos[]
Nemesis Cards[]
International Tabletop Day 2017 Promos[]
War Eternal Promos[]
Nemesis Cards[]
File:Spirit Cage.jpgFile:World Splinter.jpg
The Dice Tower 2018 Kickstarter Promos[]
Legacy Promos[]
The New Age Promos[]
Supply Cards[]
Outcasts Promos[]
Supply Cards[]
Upgraded Basics[]
File:Sweeping Darkness (Upgraded).jpg
Xaxos Ability Cards[]
File:Divided Detonation.jpgFile:Quicken Cast.jpgFile:Clairvoyant Conflagration.jpg