Aeon's End Wiki
Aeon's End Wiki

Treasures are unique rewards earned while playing Aeon's End in expedition mode. As players delve further into the expedition, winning more battles, higher level treasures are revealed and chosen. These treasures provide powerful group or personal persistent effects during a game.

There are three levels of treasures:

  • Level 1 treasures are split into treasured gems and treasured spells, and may be gained after Battle 1. Each player chooses a level 1 treasure at the start of Battles 2, 3, and 4. Treasured gems and spells are returned to each player's barracks at the end of each Battle. If a player chooses a treasured gem, they must replace a CrystalCrystal from their starting deck with that treasure, if able. If the player has no CrystalCrystals in their starting deck, then they must choose to replace a SparkSpark instead. If the player chooses a treasured spell, they must replace a SparkSpark from their starting deck with that treasure, if able. If the player has no SparkSparks in their starting deck, then they must choose to replace a CrystalCrystal instead.
  • Level 2 treasures provide group effects, and are gained after Battle 2. The players, as a group, choose one level 2 treasure at the start of Battles 3 and 4. Only one level 2 treasure may by in play for the whole group at a time, unless a treasure states otherwise. Level 2 treasures do not belong to any single player, and may be used by anyone throughout the game.
  • Level 3 treasures provide powerful personal effects, and are gained after Battle 3. Each player chooses a level 3 treasure at the start of Battle 4. These treasures may only be used by the player that chose them.

Treasure Gallery[]

Level 1 Treasures[]

Treasured Gems[]

Adelheim's Amethyst ShardClaudia's AetherscopeDezmodia's Oblivion ShardGex's Shattered GeodeInco's Spreading EmeraldIndira's Lone OpalJian's Moonstone ShardKadir's Emerald ShardLash's Quartz ShardLost's Forged CrystalMazahaedron's Worldheart ShardMist's Amethyst ParagonMist's Garnet ShardNook's Mystic FlourishPhaedraxa's Tourmaline ShardQu's Void RaditeRazra's Training WhistleReeve's Raven ShardRemnant's Void ShardRhia's Planar PocketSahala's Black MeteoriteSoskel's Lucky CoinTalix's EverburnUlgimor's Coal Fragment

Treasured Spells[]

Brama's Buried LightGaru's TorchLost's Forged SparkMalastar's ImmolateMazra's ThesisNym's VisionQuilius's ErasureSparrow's AidTaqren's Gift of SpiritXaxos's FlareXaxos's PyreYan Magda's IlluminateZ'hana's Fleeting Ember

Level 2 Treasures[]

Ashen RibBlighted Root ClumpBones of DeathmindBroken ToothCarapace FragmentCleansing AmuletCore of RageCrone's AmuletCrown of FangsEdible Fungus ChunksEnergized HuskEye of the MaelstromFractured ShellGlutton's ToothImbued ShacklesOnyx ElixirPetrified Witch FingerPoison HeartRejuvenating DiamondRitual StaffShimmering Cloak of the MagusSigil PendantSparking ShardsThe Broken MaskThorned WhipUmbral Horn of WarWayward ScrapsWell of DespairWraith's Essence

Level 3 Treasures[]

Accelerating GauntletsAlchemist's AlembicArcane TimepieceArmored PauldronsBand of RetrievalBladed CrystalBloodshot GeodeBoots of Arcane QuickeningBreach Stabilizer (Treasure)Brooch of AttunmentBursting BraceletCloak of WisdomEndless BandolierEntwined Aether StrandsEssence ExtractorEverfull PurseExtra-Dimensional LensFanged ChokerFlowing MantleForgotten TrinketGem Encrusted AnkletHorn of PlentyImbued CircletMassacre HelmPrecision MagnifierPrism of DestructionPurified BangleQuicksilverRebound GauntletSeer's BracerShroud of ObfuscationSiphoning BladeSoothsayer's PouchSuppressing PinTreasured StoneTrue Sight MonocleVerdant StaffVolatile ClaspWorld Marble
